
In the Interim

I'm currently awaiting a new camera to post any more pictures. Not that I don't like the quality of my previous pictures, but its obvious they could be better. In the meantime I'll give a short update on what I've been up to in the hobby.

Since the release of FOG, I've been buying up a number of ancients. I started with a mid Republican Roman Army made up of mostly Old Glory with a few Tin Soldier and CB for the Numidian Cav. I've also started putting together an Ancient Spanish Army, Iberian. The majority of this has come from CB. I did pick up a few packs of Xyston to see how they'd fit with CB and to be blunt, they are quite large in comparison. However the Xyston are more on par with Old Glory than CB, but having made the leap in bulk with CB, I'll keep swimming in that direction. I'm looking at putting together another 2 armies for the first book, probably Later Macedonia and the Gauls. Once I finish off what's on my table for the ACW, I'll be painting the Rep. Romans.

My AWI project has not seen any new purchases, however I am creeping along with the painting of my Perry Hessians. I do admit to contemplating more purchases weekly for this period, but I need to know where my painting stands with these hessians first. If I do not think my ability is up to par on these I may be doing a number of purchases and shipping them off to somebody else to be done. This, for me, is almost blasphemous as I've never paid for painting before, but time is getting dear and I don't want to stall to long with this project for lack of ability or time.

The ACW project has seen the completion of 2 new brigades which are awaiting their photo op in the near future. I've made a number of purchases here when opportunity has presented itself. The biggest purchase looming is more cavalry. Once I finish what's on my table with these I'll take a short break to do some Ancients.


  1. I look forward to seeing more of your work, especially the ACW.


    Jawjatek (TMP)

  2. Lookign forwared to seeing those AWI Hessians!

    Best wishes


  3. Thanks for the comments gentlemen, it shouldn't be much longer. I've purchased the new camera, but work has been dictating more and more time. I hope to get some new pictures up in the next two weeks.

  4. Your blog is vert interesting and I appreciate the work you are doing.
    Your re-entering the hobby sounds similar to mine, so I look forward to your making some more posts.

    By the way, do you know of any groups in Iowa that are currently doing ACW games?

    Best wishes,

