
Moving, Remodeling, and Fusiliers

After our 2 year expedition into Minnesota, I've moved my family back to our larger home in Iowa. As unpacking continues there are a few remodelling tasks at hand, but the one I'm focused on the most is of course, my wargames room. I should be up and running again by the end of next week.

Whenever I have extended periods of downtime I tend to buy lots of lead, and this time around is no different. I've bought a few more ancients to take on, but most of all I've refocused efforts on my AWI project. I have nearly all the figures purchased for Brandywine and am making a few purchases for a southern conflict, maybe something with French. Other periods I've recently purchased into or will shortly, 1809 French/Bavarian/Austrian, Sudan (can't decide between 25/15mm), more ACW, and want to get into either the TYW or ECW. I've had an interest in the ECW ever since I got my hands on an early copy of Miniature Wargames featuring an article about Montrose's campaigns. I remember writing a paper about him while in the 8th grade and getting an F, because the teacher thought I just made this person up. A few days of presenting the research material cleared up that.

Along with lead, I've purchased more uniform research tomes and a few books for period reading. I'm about halfway through "FUSILIERS" by Mark Urban and I'm thoroughly enjoying it. Urban's writing style is enjoyable and the wealth of information about this regiment and the personalities involved with it are beyond measure to anyone looking for a good period read. My favorite AWI book prior to this has been "Almost a Miracle" by John Ferling. It now has competition.

This winter should be a very productive one on the wargaming front or at least the painting table. After a number of years of non-stop coaching I'm taking a year off to help my health and spend more time with my family. My oldest son and daughter have been wanting to get involved in painting as well so I'll have a couple of assistants. Stay tuned, I promise more frequent posts in the near future.